Actor Rinzing Dengzongpa joined NewsX for a candid chat as a part of NewsX India A list. In the exclusive interview, Rinzing shared a lot about himself as an actor, making his Bollywood debut with an action film and the advice that his dad gave him for ahead of his first movie release. Read excerpts:
Speaking about his debut film Squad, which will soon be releasing on Zee 5, Rinzing said, “It was all Nilesh. I think, around 2018, we had met. He called me for a meeting. I didn’t know what it was about. I knew it was going to be an action movie, but that’s about it. After having a conversation with him, I realised that his knowledge of action is pretty damn good. I had full trust in whatever he had coming. He narrated the script to me and I had also like that, so it was just full stream ahead from there.”
Talking about the stunts that he performed in Squad and how prepared himself for all of that, he expressed, “It was fun. We had our team from Poland and China come down to India for a few weeks. It was nice to have them train and do the fight choreography with me. It also made that easier like when we reached Belarus to shoot. We had another five days of training but those five days were just to recoup and remember all the moves that we had already practiced. It was amazing and a lot of fun.”
When asked about picking an action film as his debut film and when did he decide to become an actor, Rinzing responded, “Of course, I myself love action movies. I love action comedies, action thrillers, so it is one of those genres that I am happy that it is my first movie.” He added, “I decided to become an actor when i was quite young actually. I just wanted to do what dad was doing because I wanted to do what I had seen him do while growing up. As I was growing up, he would always be on sets, I would go to visit him on sets. Since I was young, I just wanted to do what dad does.”
He also told us the advice that his dad (Denny Dengzongpa) gave him ahead his debut film and said, “I actually told him after I just about to sign with Nilesh. Otherwise, he didn’t know anything. He didn’t know anything about Squad and Nilo and me, meeting Nilesh, for example. I used to do everything basically on my own. It was easier. It is just like a nice surprise. He called me today at morning and he said he is very proud of me.”
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