Comedian Shyam Rangeela, renowned for his videos impersonating Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has declared his candidacy for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 from the Varanasi seat, challenging the Prime Minister. The Varanasi parliamentary constituency in Uttar Pradesh is scheduled to vote in the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha election 2024 on June 1, with results to be announced on June 4. Rangeela made his announcement on social media on Wednesday, May 1.
Shyam Rangeela, hailing from Rajasthan’s Hanumangarh, pursued a study in animation. He gained popularity for his mimicry talent, particularly for imitating political figures. He appeared as a comedian on ‘The Great Indian Laughter Challenge’ television show.
Rangeela gained initial fame in 2017 for his mimicry act of PM Modi, which went viral on social media. Since then, he has continued to produce videos mimicking the PM’s speeches and interviews.
In addition to Modi, Rangeela has mimicked other political figures such as Rahul Gandhi. He has been critical of PM Modi and his policies in his videos. His election announcement video also featured portions where Rangeela mimicked PM Modi’s voice.
Modi, who has won the Varanasi seat twice in 2014 and 2019, is expected to file his nomination from Varanasi on May 13.
Rangeela initially joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in 2002 but later decided to pursue an independent political path, stating that he “is his own master.”
In an interview, Rangeela described his transformation from being a supporter of PM Modi to a disillusioned critic, citing restrictions on his comedic work as a turning point. He stated, “I was a bhakt (fan) even till 2016-17, but then restrictions were imposed on me.”
With Modi contesting, the election for the Varanasi seat holds symbolic significance. The Congress has nominated its Uttar Pradesh unit chief, Ajay Rai, as its candidate from Varanasi. Rai secured third place in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal finished second from the Varanasi seat. Among other candidates, transgender Mahamandaleshwar Hemangi Sakhi is also contesting from this high-profile seat in Uttar Pradesh.
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