Top officials from Delhi Police conducted a comprehensive security review at Rashtrapati Bhavan in preparation for Narendra Modi’s third-term swearing-in ceremony as Prime Minister on June 9. Special security arrangements have been made for foreign dignitaries, including enhanced protocols at designated hotels where they will stay. As part of security measures, Delhi Police issued a public advisory declaring a No-Fly Zone over the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. The advisory prohibits the operation of sub-conventional aerial platforms to prevent potential threats during the ceremony.
Delhi Police announced via Twitter that sub-conventional aerial platforms such as para-gliders, para-motors, hang-gliders, UAVs, UASs, microlight aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft, hot air balloons, small powered aircraft, and quadcopters are prohibited from flying over the NCT of Delhi from June 9 to June 10, 2024. Violators will face penalties under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.
These security measures follow Narendra Modi’s formal appointment as Prime Minister by the President of India on Friday. Letters of support from NDA constituent parties were also submitted to the President. Earlier, on May 7, a BJP delegation from Varanasi presented the 2024 Lok Sabha victory certificate to Prime Minister Modi in New Delhi. PM Modi, overwhelmed with emotion, met with people from Kashi for the first time after winning from the Varanasi parliamentary constituency. He graciously accepted the victory certificate, considering it a mandate from the people.
In the recent elections, PM Modi secured victory in Varanasi by defeating Congress candidate Ajay Rai with a margin of 1,52,513 votes, receiving 6,12,970 votes compared to Rai’s 4,60,457 votes. The BJP, although winning 240 seats, saw a decrease from its 2019 tally of 303, while the Congress improved, winning 99 seats. Despite predictions, the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance secured 292 seats, while the INDIA bloc crossed the 230 mark, providing strong competition.
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