The families of two individuals accused in the shooting incident outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai have reached out to the Maharashtra and Bihar governments, seeking protection. They allege a conspiracy by underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s associates to have the accused killed. Lawrence Bishnoi gang members Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were arrested on April 14 from Gujarat for their involvement in the shooting. The letters, written by Vicky Gupta’s brother, Sonu Gupta, and Sagar Pal’s brother, Rahul Pal—both residents of Majharia in Bihar’s West Champaran district—claim that a plot to kill the accused is underway. The letters also mention concerns that the accused might suffer the same fate as their co-accused Anuj Thapan, who died in police custody in May.
Currently, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal are being held in Taloja jail. Their lawyer stated that the accused had informed their families about threats from D Company and accused Salman Khan of having ties with a gangster, alleging that he might want them killed. In response, applications for protection have been submitted to the authorities.
The shooting outside Salman Khan’s Bandra residence involved two men on a motorcycle. Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were arrested shortly after the incident. Another accused, Anuj Thapan, who was arrested on April 26 from Punjab, was found dead in police custody on May 1. The Mumbai Police have invoked the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against all those arrested in connection with the case. Meanwhile, Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother Anmol Bishnoi, both wanted in the case, remain at large, with Anmol Bishnoi claiming responsibility for the attack in a Facebook post.
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