Haryana Chief Minister, while addressing a press conference held here on Monday informed that the Common Eligibility Test (CET) has been conducted for the recruitment of Group C posts, the result of which is going to be declared soon. The recruitment of around 40,000 Group C posts will be advertised once the results are declared. Besides this, the CET exam will also be conducted soon for the recruitment of Group-D posts, and about 17,000 to 20,000 posts will be recruited, informed Manohar Lal.
He said that the CET examination is valid for 3 years. Although the CET exam will be conducted every year, any candidate who wants to improve his/her score can re-appear in the exam.Describing the CMIE unemployment figures as baseless and beyond facts, the Chief Minister said that these figures are based on a very small survey sample. Earlier, the same agency had shown Haryana’s unemployment rate of 2 percent.
CM informed that in the last 8 years, 50,000 MSME industries have been set up in Haryana. Besides this, 33,06,635 people have got employment opportunities through the private sector and self-employment opportunities.
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