Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, on Thursday, visited Delhi’s GTB Nagar wherein he interacted with manual labourers. In a social media post later, the Rae Bareli MP described his experience, reiterating the worker’s condition amidst escalating inflation in the country. He asserted that it was his “Life’s Mission” to get them the respect they deserve.
“During my visit to GTB Nagar, I witnessed firsthand the harsh reality faced by labourers who stand in search of work every day. I have previously mentioned that manual workers in India do not receive the respect they deserve. This visit confirmed my belief,” Gandhi wrote in a post.
He added, “In the face of rising inflation, these workers struggle to survive on meagre daily wages, which are not even guaranteed.”
Gandhi further wrote, “My mission in life is to ensure that the workers of India, those who work with their hands, receive their full rights and the respect they deserve.”
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