Amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, Rahul Gandhi, a leader from the Congress party, rode the Delhi Metro on Thursday to connect with ordinary citizens. A widely circulated photo shows him traveling in the metro, engaging in conversations and taking pictures with commuters. He was en route to a rally in Mangolpuri, accompanied by Kanhaiya Kumar, the Congress candidate for the North East Delhi Lok Sabha seat. The voting in Delhi is set for May 25, marking the last day of campaigning.
During an election rally in Dilshad Garden, northeast Delhi, Rahul Gandhi emphasized that the current Lok Sabha elections are a crucial battle to protect the Constitution against the BJP’s alleged desire to alter it. He accused the BJP of consistently showing a desire to undermine the Constitution and stressed that this election is about safeguarding India’s foundational principles. Gandhi highlighted the rich ideological legacy embedded in the Constitution, tracing back to leaders like Gandhi, Ambedkar, and Nehru.
Asserting that the BJP has now openly revealed its intent to change the Constitution, Gandhi warned of widespread opposition from political opponents and millions of Indian citizens if such attempts were made. He challenged the BJP, stating that they would face strong resistance from both political rivals and the masses if they dared to tamper with the Constitution.
The voting for all seven seats in Delhi is scheduled for May 25, with the election results to be announced on June 4.
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