The Punjab-Haryana High Court has denied the anticipatory bail of a 57-year-old accused in an FIR registered in 1991 under TADA, murder, and other sections in Ropar. The court has ordered the accused to surrender before the Sessions Judge on August 7. The High Court noted that the petitioner is accused of firing at the police, making bail unjustifiable.
Parmjeet Singh alias Pamma had filed a petition in the High Court seeking bail. According to the case, the petitioner was named as an accused in the FIR but was never arrested. On August 17, 1992, a court in Anandpur Sahib declared him a fugitive. Pamma voluntarily filed a bail petition in the High Court in 2022.
The petitioner requested the High Court to order his surrender before the trial court and grant interim bail until a final decision on his bail petition is reached. In October 2022, the High Court directed the accused to participate in the proceedings before the trial court and stayed his arrest until then.
While arguing for regular bail in the High Court, the petitioner’s lawyer contended that the petitioner appeared before the relevant court in Sri Anandpur Sahib and surrendered on the same day. The trial court was instructed to release the petitioner on interim bail, which remains in effect subject to compliance with the conditions.
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