Farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher has accused the Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, of covertly aligning with the central government to suppress farmers’ voices. He questioned the state’s actions in restricting media coverage, despite professing support for farmers and laborers. Pandher demanded explanations from both Chief Minister Mann and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal, stating, “We used to say that Bhagwant Mann government is having some sort of alliance with the central government. Today, the way media is being stopped, the CM and Arvind Kejriwal should come forward and explain this.”
These remarks come amid ongoing farmer protests at the Haryana-Punjab Shambhu border, where demonstrators are advocating for various demands, including a legal guarantee of Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops. Pandher announced that a group of 101 farmers would march towards Delhi at noon, intensifying the protest.
In response to the planned march, Patiala’s Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Nanak Singh, issued a memorandum advising media personnel to avoid interfering in farmers’ matters. The memorandum cited a specific incident on December 6, 2024, that violated statutory provisions and urged journalists to maintain a safe distance while performing their duties. SSP Singh clarified, “Media has not been stopped. We have no such intentions. But, it was needed to brief the media. Last time we came to know that three to four media people were injured. To avoid that we briefed the media.”
The farmers’ agitation has been ongoing since February 13, 2024, when their ‘Delhi Chalo’ march was halted at the Shambhu border. The protesters have been steadfast in their demands, which include securing legal assurance for MSP and complete loan forgiveness for all farmers.
Also read: Western Disturbance Brings Rain to Delhi, Punjab, Haryana; Cold Wave to Follow: IMD
The situation remains tense as farmers prepare to escalate their protests, seeking urgent dialogue with the central government to address their longstanding issues.
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