Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was admitted to Fortis Hospital in Mohali late Wednesday night after he fainted, according to sources. He is undergoing a series of medical tests, and his condition is reported to be stable. The exact nature of his ailment has not been disclosed yet. Hospital authorities have refrained from commenting, while government officials have assured that a formal statement will be issued soon.
A couple sought guidance from Premanand Maharaj about their love marriage. Maharaj emphasized the importance…
Physical activity is one of the most powerful tools in promoting overall health and longevity.…
A novel virus, provisionally named Xue-Cheng Virus (XCV), has recently been identified in northeastern China,…
A global scientific study has uncovered new genetic risk factors for depression, highlighting the importance…
Billionaire Richard Liu Qiangdong continues to support his village, remembering the financial help he received…
Neil Gaiman has denied multiple allegations of sexual misconduct following a New York Magazine article,…