A 29-year-old woman from Pune has found herself in legal trouble after allegedly making a hoax call to the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) helpline in Bengaluru, attempting to prevent her boyfriend from boarding a flight to Mumbai. Initially categorized as a non-cognizable register (NCR) incident on June 26, the case has now been elevated to an FIR under IPC Section 505(1)(B) for statements conducing to public mischief.
According to the complaint filed with KIA police, the accused, Indra Rajwar, claimed to airport officials that her boyfriend, Mir Raza Mehdi, traveling from Bengaluru to Mumbai, had a bomb in his bag. Despite a thorough frisking and search that found nothing, the call was deemed non-specific. Authorities later discovered both Rajwar and Mehdi were at the airport, intending to travel separately to Mumbai on different flights. Rajwar admitted to making the call out of a desire to prevent Mehdi from flying due to personal differences between them.
“We will continue to question her and prepare a report for the court. Both Rajwar and Mehdi are employed in Bengaluru,” a police officer stated regarding the ongoing investigation.
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