In a disturbing road rage incident in Pune, an elderly man and his wife have been arrested for allegedly assaulting a woman traveling on a scooter with two children. The incident occurred on the Pashan-Baner Link Road, where the man, identified as Swapnil Kekre, reportedly became enraged after he was unable to overtake the scooter.
According to reports, Kekre pulled the woman’s hair and punched her twice, causing severe bleeding from her nose. The incident was brought to public attention after Jerlyn D’Silva, a digital content creator, posted a video detailing her harrowing experience.
D’Silva described how Kekre had been tailgating her scooter for nearly two kilometers before overtaking and abruptly stopping in front of her. He then exited his vehicle and, in a fit of rage, assaulted her despite the presence of her two young children.
The video posted by D’Silva shows her with blood around her nose and mouth as she recounts the traumatic event. She expressed concern over the safety of the city and criticized the aggressive behavior of some drivers.
This incident follows a series of troubling road-related events in Pune. Two months ago, a 17-year-old allegedly driving under the influence rammed his Porsche into two tech professionals, killing them instantly. More recently, a 25-year-old son of a politician caused a serious accident while speeding and intoxicated.
The arrest of Kekre and his wife underscores the ongoing issues of road rage and reckless driving in Pune, highlighting the need for increased road safety measures and responsible driving practices.
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