In a recent press conference, Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar disclosed that the 17-year-old involved in the fatal Porsche accident on May 19 was driving the vehicle with full awareness. He revealed that efforts were made to portray the teen, the son of a prominent real estate developer, as not driving the Porsche but instead to shift blame onto the family driver.
According to Kumar, an investigation attempts to shift responsibility, emphasizing that CCTV footage confirmed the teen’s involvement in taking the vehicle from his residence. The accident claimed the lives of two young IT professionals, Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, in the Kalyani Nagar area. Addressing concerns over preferential treatment, Kumar dismissed allegations of the teen receiving special treatment while in custody, vowing to take action if any negligence was found on the part of the Yerwada police. Amid public outcry, a Pune court revoked the teen’s bail and ordered his transfer to a juvenile centre.
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