Pune’s Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar, has affirmed that the police have implemented the strictest possible measures in response to the tragic Pune car accident that resulted in the deaths of Ashwini Koshta and Anis Awadhiya near Kalyani Nagar. Addressing the media, CP Kumar highlighted the decisive actions taken by the police, including charging the offense under Section 304 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), initiating legal proceedings, and taking action against the father of the accused and the pub owners under the Juvenile Justice Act.
“I responsibly state that the police have adopted the most stringent possible measures as per legal provisions and have been following that path,” asserted CP Kumar, emphasizing the commitment of the police to adhere to legal provisions and welcoming constructive suggestions.
The Pune Car accident occurred in the early hours of Sunday when a luxury car collided with a motorcycle near Kalyani Nagar, resulting in the tragic loss of two young lives. The father of one of the deceased, Ashwini Koshta, is calling for stringent legal action against the accused to serve as a deterrent to others.
Meanwhile, Pune City Police have arrested the bar owner and manager who served liquor to the minor accused on the night of the accident. Additionally, the father of the minor accused has been detained from the Sambhajinagar area of Aurangabad district in Maharashtra.
The Pune Police are seeking permission to try the juvenile accused in the rash driving case. Earlier, on May 19, the Juvenile Justice Board granted bail to the accused, with conditions aimed at rehabilitation and awareness. These conditions include working with the traffic police of Yerawada for 15 days, writing an essay on the accident, undergoing treatment to quit drinking, and receiving psychiatric counseling.
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