Fatehgarh Sahib police have arrested two shooters from Fazilka district. These individuals are criminals who were recently released on bail from jail.
Currently, they were targeting a person from rural Ludhiana and were conducting recee. During this time, they carried a pistol, which they had purchased for 135,000 rupees. The police have initiated further action.
Attempt to Speed Away at Checkpoint
SP (Investigation) Rakesh Yadav reported that SHO Amardeep Singh from Badali Ala Singh police station had set up a checkpoint near the SYL canal at Chunni Khurd. A Volkswagen Vento with a UP license plate was approaching at high speed from Chandigarh. It was nighttime.
A police officer signaled with a flashlight for the car to stop. However, the driver attempted to speed away, but the car was stopped by placing barricades ahead.
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