Punjab Police made a significant breakthrough by solving a bank heist and apprehending three individuals through a widespread manhunt across Punjab and Haryana, as per an official statement on Monday. Director General of Police, Punjab, Gaurav Yadav, announced, “The accused were arrested with looted cash and two pistols were recovered from their possession.”
He added, “In a major breakthrough, Amritsar Commissionerate Police has solved the gunpoint bank heist within hours with a manhunt across Punjab and Haryana. All three accused have been arrested with looted cash and the recovery of two pistols (0.30 bore pistol and dummy pistol).”
The DGP emphasized that Punjab Police is fully dedicated to ensuring security, and stringent action will be taken against those involved in organized crime.
In a separate incident last month, Punjab police reportedly thwarted planned target killings by apprehending four operatives after an exchange of fire. Director General of Police, Punjab, Gaurav Yadav, stated on his social media platform X that police also seized six pistols during the operation.
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