Change seems a smaller word when we compare today’s India with that of 2014. In the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country has made several giant leaps that have brought a complete transformation in almost all the areas of governance and public policy from women empowerment to infrastructure to defence to health and sanitation to agriculture to the economy to foreign policy and promotion of indigenous culture among others. Central Vista Project is all set to transform the national capital city by 2024. 

In his able leadership, India has achieved several firsts at the national level as well as at the global level. The word impossible is not in his dictionary. But driven with this spirit, he has made so many achievements in such a short period and still adding to the list year by year that it has become impossible to include them in a single article. When we count on merit, several achievements come at number one which is again an impossible task. But for the sake of presentation, we need to start from a point. 


Though the Covid-19 has been the most devastating pandemic ever for mankind, there had been pandemics earlier as well. But in those pandemics, the role of India was limited to just a receiver of funds, medicines, doctors etc. from WHO and other friendly countries. In this pandemic, India emerged as a donor. While the top leaders of the developed countries had abandoned the idea of global culture, which they along with their intellectuals used to claim as their own, and declared several preferential policies for their citizens aka voters including a ban on exports; India made a world record of providing vaccines to several poor countries in Africa and also exported vaccines to Arab nations. During the Covid-19 crisis with over 45 lakh evacuations, India ranked first in the world. This number is about three times of total evacuations made by the next four countries put together. 

Nobody can forget the words of appreciation by the UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres on 21 February 2021, who extended his ‘personal gratitude’ to India for offering 2 lakh doses of vaccine for UN peacekeepers and helping 150 countries with medical equipment. The onset of the second wave again compelled India to focus at home. Here too the country has set many records under the world’s biggest free vaccine drive including a record 2.5 crore Covid-19 jabs on the 71st birthday of Modiji on 17 September 2021. This transformation is waiting for another milestone during PM’s visit to the US to participate in Quad Leaders’ Summit in which the US President Joe Biden will reportedly request for vaccines. 


Most recently, the government has announced a permanent commission for women in the Armed Forces. This is not a standalone decision taken under pressure of any intellectual campaign or advocacy but a product of sustained efforts since 2014. Who can forget the first all-women contingent march on Rajpath during the 66th Republic Day parade in 2015, Tania Shergil as the first woman parade adjutant for Republic Day Parade in 2020, an all-women crew of Mt Swarna Krishan in March 2021 and many more? Not only in the Armed Forces, schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP), the law on Triple Talaq, implementing 33% reservation for women in police, etc. will always be remembered as landmarks in the history of women empowerment. The Ujjawala Yojana has not only saved women from smokes thereby improving their health but also saved their time which they invest in productive works to increase their income. These schemes have transformed the lives of women from bottom to top. 


India was infamous for open defecation on railway lines. Besides, railway stations were also filthy and dirty. Nobody has imagined improving this situation and we all had accepted it as part of their bad luck. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), the government ensured the construction of over 100 million toilets in rural India and over 7 million in urban areas. So far, 711 districts, 6,971 blocks, 2.6 lakh Gram Panchayats, and over 6 lakh villages have been declared Open Defecation Free (ODF). 

Furthermore, new targets have been set to make all urban local bodies across the country ODF+ and ODF++ certified by 2024. Besides the numbers, the importance of SBM in transforming India could be assessed with the fact that women and girls in villages have named these toilets ‘izzatghar’. Of course, these services require regular maintenance but this scheme has transformed thinking from ‘nothing can be done’ to ‘nothing is impossible’. 


From fighting terrorism within the boundaries, India’s defence has been transformed to fighting terrorism wherever they hide including across the border. The Surgical Strike, Air Strike in Pakistan aka Terroristan has forced Pakistan to shift its terror camps to its bordering areas along with Afghanistan. 

Transparency in defence procurement and ensuring world-class defence equipment, gadgets, and fighters for Armed Forces such as Rafale and Apache Helicopters, have boosted the morale of our forces. This was due to this increased morale, even China was forced to withdraw from our borders after the Galwan valley clash. The new National War Memorial will continue to remind us of our brave soldiers. Revocation of Article 370 from Kashmir has facilitated security management in J&K. For retired defence personnel, the Modi government have implemented ‘one rank one pension’ scheme which was pending for decades. Besides, scientists have also made several advancements in missiles and other equipment. The contribution of space science to the defence needs of the country has also been remarkable. 


Indian has joined the group of a few countries which have crop insurance policies. Several previous problems that had been the cause of violent agitations throughout the country like the purchase of Urea and other fertilisers, irrigation, low rates for land acquisition have become a matter of history. The government is now giving four times of circle rates as compensation for the acquired land. As early as 2009, several farmers were killed in Greater Noida, Pune, and other parts of India demanding adequate compensation for their acquired land. The recent three farm laws have enabled the farmers to sell their crops directly to consumers, that is, people living in societies and colonies of the cities. Selling vegetables, grains, fruits etc. by farmers in colonies and societies is illegal as per existing rules and if they do it, they do it by paying bribes or commission to police and food inspectors. Presently, farmers are bound to sell their farm products in Mandis to wholesalers who then sell them to retailers. The diversification and innovations in crop patterns is another dimension of transformation in the country. Besides, Kisan Express trains have ensured access of farmers in Mandis across the country. According to recent data, around 2,110 tonnes of onions have been transported by Kisan trains in this season. 


Before 2014, India was considered parallel to and just an adversary of Pakistan. Today, we have left this rouge neighbour far away in global diplomacy. The opinion of India matters on almost all the international and global issues of strategic, economical, and environmental issues. The UN chief had formally recognised India as a ‘global leader’ in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. There was a time when India used to look at Pakistan for dialogues but the situation has reversed. We have progressed without SAARC. Besides establishing International Solar Alliance, forums like BIMSTEC and QUAD are being revived and strengthened. 


Various aspects of Indic cultures were being ignored since independence. Besides starting the International Day of Yoga in 2015, PM Modi has been hosting foreign guests in different cities of the countries such as Varanasi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad to showcase the plurality of Indian culture. Furthermore, National Education Policy has been framed to transform education and also to inculcate pride among Indians in the achievements of their ancestors. Several historic places and archaeological sites have been revived. The construction of the Shri Ram Janambhumi Temple have started in Ayodhya. 


What was considered next to impossible seven years back is now a reality. Of course, this has increased the expectations of various civil society organisations, voluntary associations, interest groups, and also the people at large, which is quite reasonable. This is because expectations are reposed in from performers and achievers but never from laggards. But the most appalling fact is that some wolf minded politicians are playing with these new expectations of people. Some of them have been full-time politicians, public representatives and contested elections. They seem to have been sent on deputation to fuel the agitation of farmers and other protestors, wherever possible, in the interest of their political masters. Some of them have been exposed while others are still hiding under the wolf coat and misusing the democratic rights of citizens as bunkers. Now it’s our responsibility to ignite critical thinking among people so that they could expose these wolves on their own. 

Having said this, under the leadership of our beloved Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the most popular and most efficient, we all are committed to re-establishing India as Vishwa Guru.

Before 2014, India was considered just an adversary of Pakistan. Today, we have left this rouge neighbour far away in global diplomacy. The opinion of India matters on almost all the international and global issues of strategic, economical, and environmental issues.