PM Modi is set to revive his popular monthly radio broadcast, ‘Mann Ki Baat’, marking its return on Sunday, June 30. The programme, which had paused ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, will resume to engage with the nation on key issues and themes.
PM Modi announced the comeback of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ through social media, inviting citizens to contribute their ideas and suggestions for the upcoming broadcast. He encouraged participation via the MyGov Open Forum, NaMo App, or by recording messages at 1800 11 7800. Acknowledging the programme’s reach, he emphasized its role in fostering dialogue across diverse sections of society.
The official handle of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ confirmed that regional versions in multiple Indian languages would follow the original Hindi broadcast on @AkashvaniAIR immediately, with a repeat airing at 8 PM on regional channels.
‘Mann Ki Baat’ first aired on October 3, 2014, as a platform for PM Modi to address the nation directly on various national and social issues. It has since gained immense popularity, reaching over 100 crore people across India and beyond through its broadcasts in 22 Indian languages and 11 foreign languages.
The decision to temporarily suspend the programme ahead of the elections adhered to the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) guidelines, ensuring fairness during the electoral process. With the conclusion of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and the formation of the 18th Lok Sabha, PM Modi is poised to resume ‘Mann Ki Baat’ with renewed vigor.
The programme’s format includes highlighting grassroots-level initiatives, celebrating achievements, and inspiring positive actions among the public. It serves as a unique platform for direct interaction between the Prime Minister and the citizens of India, reflecting their voices and aspirations.
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