The Indian cricket team, under the leadership of Rohit Sharma, visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence in Lok Kalyan Marg, New Delhi, for breakfast on Thursday. During the hour-long meeting, PM Modi congratulated the T20 World Cup-winning team. The players and support staff arrived at No. 7, Lok Kalyan Marg at 11 am IST after departing from ITC Maurya hotel, where they were warmly welcomed. Captain Rohit Sharma, Rahul Dravid, and Virat Kohli were photographed cutting a special cake prepared by the hotel chef.
According to India Today, PM Modi encouraged the team to continue their winning streak, expressing confidence that their T20 World Cup victory in Barbados would inspire success in future tournaments.
In a video, PM Modi and the Indian cricket team players were seen sharing light moments and reminiscing about their World Cup campaign. Head coach Rahul Dravid addressed the group while PM Modi appeared to enjoy the players’ anecdotes. Jasprit Bumrah, Suryakumar Yadav, and Hardik Pandya also spoke during the meeting. BCCI secretary Jay Shah and president Roger Binny were also present.
Following the breakfast meeting, the Indian team departed from the Prime Minister’s residence and headed to New Delhi airport, where they will board a flight to Mumbai for an open-top bus parade. The players wore customized India jerseys with ‘Champions’ printed on them. Reports indicated that PM Modi hosted a special breakfast where he listened to the team’s experiences from the USA and the Caribbean during the World Cup. India clinched their second T20 World Cup title by defeating South Africa in the final at Kensington Oval in Barbados last Saturday.
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