In Chhotaudepur in Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday officially opened development projects worth Rs 5,206 crore. Bhupendra Patel, the chief minister of Gujarat, and CR Paatil, the BJP’s state president, were in the company of the prime minister. The Prime Minister opened the celebration in Ahmedabad’s Science City earlier in the day to mark 20 years of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit. In his remarks, the prime minister described the summit’s 20 years as a “key milestone” in the development of the state.
“Vibrant Gujarat was made a channel to increase the self-confidence of Gujarat and a channel to speak to the world eye to eye,” the PM said.
Stating that the world is watching the success of Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit he said, “Vibrant Gujarat is not just a programme of branding but more than that it is a programme of bonding.”
Later today, PM Modi will also inaugurate a new Navodaya Vidyalaya built at a cost of Rs 23 crore in Dahod and an FM Radio Studio built at a cost of Rs 10 crore.
The PM will also inaugurate village Wi-Fi facilities that will benefit 20 lakh beneficiaries in 7,500 villages across 22 districts.
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