On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a video message to the three-day G20 Ministerial Conference on Women Empowerment in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Speaking to the audience, PM Modi added that when women prosper, the entire world also does so, and that their access to education and economic empowerment both spur economic growth. “The world prospers when women do well. Their increased economic power spurs development. Global advancement is fueled by their access to education. Their leadership encourages diversity. Their voices also encourage constructive change. The PM added that the nation was making progress in this direction and that a women-led development approach was the most efficient way to empower women.
He said President Droupadi Murmu, herself, sets an inspiring example in this regard.
“Our President Shrimati Droupadi Murmu sets an inspiring example herself. She comes from a humble tribal background but now leads the world’s largest democracy, serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the world’s second-largest defence force,” PM Modi said.
He also spoke about how the Indian constitution granted the right to vote and contest polls equally to all citizens, including women.
“Elected women representatives have been key agents of economic, environmental and social change. At 1.4 million, 46 per cent of elected representatives in rural local bodies in India are women.”
He added that the rise in the number of women starting self-help groups is a potent force for transformation. He informed the participants of how these women produced masks and sanitizers while spreading knowledge about pandemic infection prevention.
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