In a disturbing incident, an 11-year-old girl in Mumbai’s Kandivali area has accused a school teacher of sexual assault. The Class 7 student reported the incident to her school authorities on Wednesday, revealing that the teacher had called her after class and inappropriately touched her. In July this Incident took Place.
Upon hearing the girl’s account, the school’s principal immediately informed her parents, who then approached the police to file a complaint. Acting on the girl’s statement, the police have registered a case against the teacher under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, which carries stringent penalties for crimes against minors.
The accused teacher has been summoned by the police to provide his statement, and investigators are reviewing CCTV footage from the school as part of their probe.
This incident comes at a time when there is growing concern over the safety of women and girls in India, particularly following the recent rape and murder of a doctor at a government hospital in Kolkata. The case has sparked a nationwide outcry, with demands for safer environments for women and girls, whether in schools, workplaces, or public spaces.
According to the latest data from the National Crime Records Bureau, 63,414 cases were registered under the POCSO Act in 2022, highlighting the ongoing issue of sexual assault against minors in the country.
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