On Friday, the Karnataka Lokayukta Police filed an FIR, naming Chief Minister Siddaramaiah as the first accused in the alleged Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) scam. This significant development comes just 48 hours after a special court for elected representatives in Bengaluru directed the Mysuru Lokayukta SP to file an FIR, investigate, and submit a report against CM Siddaramaiah, his wife, and his brother-in-law in connection with the scam.
CM Siddaramaiah has also been booked under provisions of the IPC and the Prohibition of Benami Transactions and Land Grabbing Acts. The petitioner in the MUDA scam case, RTI activist Snehamayi Krishna, has registered a complaint identifying Siddaramaiah as the prime accused, his wife Parvathy as the second accused, his brother-in-law Mallikarjuna Swamy as the third, and landowner Devaraju as the fourth accused.
Following these developments, the top brass of the Lokayukta held a meeting at their headquarters in Bengaluru to discuss the future course of action regarding this case.
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