On Monday evening, Madhuri, daughter of YSR Congress Party’s Rajya Sabha MP Beeda Masthan Rao, allegedly drove her BMW over a 21-year-old painter named Surya in Chennai’s Besant Nagar area. The victim was sleeping on a pavement when the speeding car fatally injured him. Madhuri and her companion initially fled the scene, leaving behind a shocked community. The incident has sparked public outcry as Madhuri was subsequently arrested but released on bail. The case has been registered under section 304 A of the IPC (causing death by negligence).
Meanwhile, in Pune’s Yerawada area on Tuesday, a 41-year-old man named Kedar Chavan lost his life in a similar tragedy. Chavan, employed as a delivery man, was riding his motorcycle when it skidded, causing him to be run over by a Mercedes-Benz car driven by a doctor’s driver. The victim succumbed to his injuries at a nearby hospital.
Both incidents have ignited demands for justice from affected families and local communities. In Chennai, protests have emerged outside the J-5 Shastri Nagar Police Station, where Surya’s relatives and neighbors gathered, seeking accountability. In Pune, authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding Chavan’s death, highlighting the need for stricter road safety measures.
These tragic events underscore the urgent need for enhanced road safety awareness and accountability in urban areas across India.
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