On Monday, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav announced the creation of a Tribal Culture Study Centre Museum in Bhainsdehi and a 100-bed civil hospital in Bhimpur, Betul district. Speaking at a program in Betul, CM Yadav also declared the renaming of Government College Bhainsdehi to Freedom Fighter Ganjan Singh Korku College and the Mendha Dam to Freedom Fighter Ram Bhau Korku.
Addressing the program, Yadav said, “Bhainsdehi College is renamed after Ganjan Singh Korku and Mendha Dam is renamed after Ram Bhau Korku. If we do not remember our revolutionaries then who will we remember? We will definitely remember our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives.”
“I have been told that a Tribal Culture Study Centre Museum is to be established here. I am announcing to establish it at this stage. I am also announcing the establishment of a 100-bed civil hospital here. There is a deep affection for Betul and whatever required will be granted,” he added.
Appreciating Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Yadav stated that PM Modi is concerned about all Indians worldwide and offers every possible assistance to those in need. He also mentioned that the state government is dedicated to ensuring the well-being and happiness of women.
“The state government has deposited Rs 1,250 along with additional Rs 250 for Raksha Bandhan into the accounts of women under the Ladli Behna Yojana. The state government is committed to bringing smiles to the sisters. I extend my best wishes to all the sisters.”
He also urged everyone to hoist the national flag at their homes as part of the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’.
Additionally, the chief minister inaugurated and laid the foundation for development projects totalling Rs 60.29 crores during the event. This includes the initiation of 11 projects valued at Rs 26.70 crores and the opening of seven projects worth Rs 33.59 crores, as reported by the Public Works Department’s Bridge Development Corporation.
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