On Wednesday, MLA Kuljit Singh Randhawa, during a function organized by the Nagar Parishad Zirakpur Safai Sevak Karamchari Union to celebrate Bhagwan Valmiki’s Prakat Diwas, urged people to embrace the ideals and teachings of Bhagwan Valmiki. He highlighted Valmiki’s message of equality and universalism, which continues to inspire generations. As the revered author of the Ramayana, Bhagwan Valmiki is a symbol of brotherhood and harmony, and MLA Randhawa encouraged the community to follow his path of justice and inclusiveness.
On this significant occasion, MLA Randhawa laid the foundation stone for Valmiki Bhawan, a building that will be constructed at a cost of Rs. 48 lakh. The Bhawan will serve as a cultural and educational center, fostering the values of equality and promoting the teachings of Bhagwan Valmiki. The establishment of Valmiki Bhawan has been a long-standing goal of the Safai Sevak Karamchari Union, and MLA Randhawa commended their efforts to honor Lord Valmiki’s legacy.
In his address, Randhawa expressed his congratulations to the community on the occasion of Prakat Diwas and emphasized the enduring relevance of Bhagwan Valmiki’s teachings. He pointed out that Valmiki’s life and philosophy emphasize equality and brotherhood, principles that are crucial in today’s world. The MLA also expressed his gratitude for being part of the event and pledged his support for the community’s endeavors.
Looking ahead, MLA Randhawa announced that similar Valmiki Bhawans will be constructed in Derabassi, Lalru, and Handesra, furthering the mission of spreading Bhagwan Valmiki’s message across the region. He encouraged active participation from the community in the development of these centers, reinforcing the importance of unity and collective efforts in upholding the teachings of Lord Valmiki.
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