Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha embarked on a ‘Padayatra’ on Friday in a show of support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidates in South Tripura district ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. Taking to his social media platform on X, Chief Minister Manik Saha shared visuals from the roadshow conducted under the Ramnagar Assembly Constituency, revealing a bustling scene of BJP party workers, supporters, and security personnel.
Encouraging the electorate, Saha emphasized the significance of ensuring BJP’s triumph in the upcoming elections, highlighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pivotal role in fostering development. “The lotus symbol is the beacon for the genuine development of the people of Tripura. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the guarantor of development. Through the Prime Minister’s Act East Policy, North Eastern states, including Tripura, are witnessing rapid development. He is committed to the overall welfare of people from all walks of life, irrespective of caste and religion,” Saha asserted.
Addressing a sizable election campaign organized by Baradowali Mandal in support of BJP-nominated candidate Biplab Kumar Deb from the West Tripura seat, Saha urged voters to cast their ballots in favor of progress. “The Chief Minister stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target of 370 seats for the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections,” he added.
Saha highlighted the enthusiastic turnout during the nomination filing of BJP candidates in Tripura as a positive sign indicating the party’s impending victory. The state is bracing for elections to be conducted in two phases, with the West Tripura seat scheduled for polls on April 19, followed by the East Tripura seat on April 26.
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