Wrestler and BJP leader Babita Phogat participated in the sixth phase of Lok Sabha Election 2024 by voting in Haryana’s Charkhi Dadri on Saturday. After casting her ballot, Babita expressed her support for India’s development and praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership for elevating the country’s status internationally.

She emphasized the importance of voting as a fundamental right and encouraged the public to prioritize casting their votes. Babita highlighted the positive impact of PM Modi’s policies in enhancing India’s global reputation.

The ongoing voting process in Haryana includes ten Lok Sabha seats and the Karnal assembly constituency. Over 2 crore registered voters will determine the fate of 223 candidates across the state. Additionally, there are a total of 20,031 polling stations set up, with voting taking place in both urban and rural areas.

The sixth phase of Lok Sabha elections covers multiple states, including Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Delhi, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, with a significant number of candidates vying for various seats.