Prime Minister Narendra Modi will open the two-day P20 (G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit) conference on October 13 according to a statement from Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Friday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the two-day P-20 Conference on October 13, 2023, according to a statement from the Speaker of the Lok Sabha on Friday. 50 Members of Parliament and 14 General Secretaries, including 26 Presidents, 10 Vice-Presidents, one Committee Chairman, and the President of the IPU, confirmed their attendance at the conference, according to Om Birla in a press conference. The Pan African Parliament President will be present at the P-20 meeting in India for the first time.
The P-20 summit will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 13 October 2023.India has dedicated its G-20 presidency to the people. Therefore, it is an important responsibility for our legislative institutions to make the P-20 summit as participatory as possible and connect with the general public” he added
Speaker Lok Sabha Om Birla further said that in two days Conference Four high-level sessions will be organized during the summit including
1. Accelerating SDGS
2. Sustainable Energy Transition
3. Women-led Development
4. Transformation in People’s Lives through Public Digital Platforms
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