In a historic victory, BJP’s Shankar Lalwani, the sitting MP from Indore, secured a record-breaking win in the recent Lok Sabha elections. Lalwani triumphed with a staggering margin of 11,75,092 votes, marking the highest victory margin in the country’s electoral history. This achievement surpasses the previous record held by BJP’s CR Patil, who won the Navsari seat in Gujarat by nearly 6.9 lakh votes in the 2019 elections.
Adding to the unique electoral outcome, the ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option received an unprecedented 2.18 lakh votes in Indore, making it the second-highest choice among voters. This notable turnout for NOTA set a new record in its own right, highlighting a significant portion of the electorate expressing their preference for none of the candidates.
Meanwhile, as the results of the Lok Sabha elections position the BJP-led NDA to form a government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that this is a historic moment in the history of the nation because people have shown their confidence in the ruling alliance for the third time in a row. Additionally, he thanked the staff for their dedication.
By a margin of 1,52,513 votes, PM Modi defeated Congress challenger Ajay Rai in Varanasi to win his third consecutive election. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) leads in 293 seats, while the INDIA bloc leads in 232 seats, based on the most recent ECI trends.
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