The Bhartiya Janata Party has chosen Tashi Gyalson for the Lok Sabha seat of Ladakh. Which is currently being held by Jamyang Tsering. Who got famous after the speech of Article 370 in the parliament. But it seems that the party has replaced that candidate.

Son of the late Sonam Skalzang. Tashi Gyalson is a lawyer and the chairman of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development council. In the last state legislative Assembly election of 2014 of J&k, he contested from the Norba (Leh)constituency. Under the banner of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party.

Later along with other members joined BJP on 16th April 2019. Asked about his decision, he cited BJP’s progressiveness and their dedication towards the development of overall Ladakh region as the reason for changing sides.

In both the years 2019 & 2014, BJP won both times. In 2019 election, now sitting MP Jamyang Tsering won the Ladakh seat by the votes of 42,914, While in 2014, BJP candidate Thupstan Chhewang won.

As per the local sources, the decision to remove Jamyang Tsering comes amidst the resentment which is entertained by some sections of Buddhists in Leh. While Tashi Gyalson is considered a better candidate who enjoys better position in the union territory including in Muslim-dominated Kargil region.

Meanwhile, congress hasn’t yet announced its candidate.

Ladakh will go on polls in the fifth phase of the election, on 20th May 2024.