The Supreme Court on Monday selected ex-Maharashtra DGP Dattatrey Padsalgikar to oversee police investigations into Manipur violations. The Court stated that it will appoint a committee of three previous female High Court justices to “look at various humanitarian aspects.” The Committee will be led by Justice Gita Mittal (former Chief Justice of the J&K High Court) and Justice Shalini Phansalar Joshi (former Bombay High Court judge).
Attorney General R Venkataranmani and Solicitor General Tushar Mehta told the Supreme Court that the SP-led SITs will investigate ethnic clashes/offenses and that the state DGP and DIG will oversee the investigations.
In terms of inquiry, the Court noted that the Centre had opted to forward 11 FIRs involving sexual violence to the Central Bureau of Inquiry.
The Court stated that it will allow these cases to be transferred to the CBI. But it will also include 5 officers from other states with at least the rank of DySP if not SP “to ensure that there is a sense of faith and a general sense of impartiality.”
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