Renowned actress and two-time National Film Award winner Kirron Kher, known for her prominent role in Punjab’s political landscape as a BJP pillar, bows out of the Chandigarh Lok Sabha race. Kher’s absence from the electoral fray has sparked curiosity and speculation, given her significant victories in the past two elections from the same constituency, showcasing her deep-rooted connection with the people.

With 1.91 lakh and 2.31 lakh votes, respectively, Kirron Kher defeated her Congress opponent Pawan Kumar Bansal in the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 and 2019. Her exclusion from the BJP’s list of candidates for the Chandigarh seat, which Sanjay Tandon is currently running for, caused some to wonder about the party’s approach.

Kirron Kher gave clarification on her decision, saying that it was a personal one motivated by health issues. She disclosed that she had been battling the cancerous disease multiple myeloma for approximately a year, requiring intensive therapy in Mumbai. Despite her complete recovery and current state of health, Kher stated that she did not want her absence to have an impact on the party’s campaign.

Kirron Kher is committed to her party even after leaving the electoral field, and she has stated that she is excited to continue serving in different roles. She spoke about her recent commitments, such presenting “India’s Got Talent,” and she hoped to serve the party again in the future.

Kher also spoke back to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah for their support throughout her sickness. “When I became ill, Modi called me and was incredibly kind to me.” He assured me not to worry about anything,” Kher said, highlighting the leadership of the party’s human element.

Recognizing her efforts as a committed worker (karyakarta) in Chandigarh, Kher’s choice to leave electoral politics indicates a calculated action in line with her priorities for health care and her ongoing dedication to public service. June 1st is the election day for the Chandigarh Lok Sabha. Kirron Kher will continue her journey of service and resilience, and new candidates will vie for the seat.