Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party national convener, opted to skip a summons by the Enforcement Directorate related to an alleged money laundering case connected to the excise policy scam. Instead, Kejriwal held a rally in Waidhan. During this event, he addressed the people of Madhya Pradesh, expressing concern about his legal situation on the day of the election results’ announcement and encouraging their support for the AAP.
The Delhi chief minister urged the people of Madhya Pradesh to vote for his party in the coming assembly polls and said that he was not sure whether he would be in jail or out when the results are declared but expected the people to show faith in AAP like they did in Delhi and Punjab.
“Just like the people of Delhi and Punjab voted for the AAP, the people of Madhya Pradesh will also do the same in the coming days. I don’t know whether I will be in jail or somewhere else on the day of counting, but everyone should say that Arvind Kejriwal came to Singrauli and we gave him a historic victory,” the AAP national convenor said while addressing a roadshow in Waidhan. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was also present at the roadshow.
In response to the ED summons, Kejriwal challenged the notice’s legitimacy, alleging political motives and demanding its retraction. He claimed that the summons was vague and strategically leaked to certain BJP leaders. Previously summoned by the CBI in connection with the case, Kejriwal wasn’t named as an accused in the First Information Report (FIR) lodged the previous year.
Madhya Pradesh is set to conduct elections on November 17, with the results expected on December 3, making it one of the five states holding elections this year.
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