Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, speaking to ANI on Wednesday, assured the public that Below Poverty Line (BPL) cards would be reissued to eligible families if they had been wrongly canceled. He reassured people that there was no need for concern.

“The Centre has established certain parameters for BPL families, and our government is acting accordingly. If BPL cards of some eligible families have been mistakenly cancelled, new cards will be issued. There are discrepancies in some areas, and we will address them. A review is underway to remove ineligible beneficiaries,” he said.

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When asked about the absence of physical verification during the cancellation process, unlike when issuing new cards, Shivakumar explained that corrective actions would be taken to resolve the errors.

“The Chief Minister has instructed the concerned minister. We are sending the list of cancelled BPL cards to each MLA, who will assess the situation. The Guarantee Implementation Committee will be tasked with visiting households and resolving any errors in the cancellation of BPL cards,” he added.

Regarding Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s visit to Delhi, Shivakumar clarified that it was related to the launch of Nandini milk in the capital and had no political implications.

“The Chief Minister is travelling to Delhi for the launch of Nandini milk in the capital. I was also scheduled to join but will instead visit Murdeshwar for the Fishermen’s Day celebration. Expanding the Nandini brand will benefit farmers. The visit is purely developmental and not political,” he said.

On the issue of the Naxal leader’s encounter, Shivakumar mentioned that the Home Minister would comment on the Left parties’ protests regarding the encounter of Naxal leader Vikram Gowda.

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