Kannada filmmaker Guruprasad, known for his notable films such as *Mata*, *Eddelu Manjunatha*, and *Director’s Special*, was found dead in his Bengaluru apartment in Madanayakanahalli, according to reports. Police, alerted by neighbors who noticed a foul odor, discovered his decomposed body hanging from a ceiling fan. Authorities are currently investigating the timing and circumstances surrounding his death, which they believe occurred several days prior.
Initial reports indicate that Guruprasad, 52, may have been under financial strain, possibly related to creditors, which could have contributed to his decision. The director had recently remarried and was reportedly facing challenges with unpaid purchases. Alongside his work as a director, he had also acted in various films and was actively working on his latest project, *Adema*, which was in production at the time of his passing.
Following the news, searches for “Guruprasad” surged, especially in Karnataka, with Google Trends showing peak interest on November 3 around 12:30 PM. Related searches included “director Guruprasad,” “Guruprasad death,” and “Guruprasad suicide.”
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