Kangana Ranaut recently sparked controversy with a tweet about an undated video showing Muslims observing Muharram. In the video, men dressed in white and covered in blood were seen participating in the ritual. Kangana called the video “weird and scary” and questioned whether Hindu men should also undergo compulsory combat training to stay prepared in such a world. She commented, “There’s no harm in keeping your blood hot… is there?”
Muharram is the second holiest month in the Islamic calendar, following Ramadan. It is a period of mourning for Muslims, as they remember the death of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hazrat Imam Hussain. Kangana’s tweet was criticized by some for potentially provoking Hindus. The original video had been shared on X (formerly Twitter) with a comment questioning the nature of the celebration, which Kangana’s tweet responded to.
In other news, Kangana Ranaut recently delivered her first speech in Parliament. Speaking during Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha, she called for action to preserve Himachal Pradesh’s traditional art forms and building techniques. She highlighted that many of these practices, like the kath kuni style of building houses and the production of clothes from sheep and yak wool, are at risk of disappearing. Kangana, who represents the Mandi constituency, emphasized that these traditional Himachali items, such as woolen jackets, caps, and sweaters, are valued abroad and need to be protected. She asked the government about the measures being taken to preserve these cultural traditions.
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