Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday criticized Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu, alleging that he has not distributed central government funds to the people affected by recent floods. Ranaut claimed that although Prime Minister Narendra Modi has allocated funds to Chief Minister Sukhu, the displaced victims have not received the Rs 7 lakh promised to them from the central government’s fund. She demanded a special inquiry into the matter.
“The state government’s inefficiency is evident. The displaced people haven’t received the Rs. 7 lakhs allotted from the central government’s fund. The state government lacks empathy for its people. PM Modi allocates funds to Sukhu ji (HP CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu), but they do not reach the people. A special enquiry should be conducted here,” Ranaut stated.
Relief and rescue operations are ongoing in the flood-affected Samej village near Rampur in Shimla following the catastrophic cloudbursts that occurred on August 1. Data from the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) indicates that 85 roads, including two National Highways (NH), have been closed due to landslides and excessive rain. Additionally, 116 electricity supply schemes and 65 water supply schemes have been disrupted in the state.
A catastrophic cloudburst also hit the Lahaul and Spiti districts on Monday. Visuals from the Chicham area showed two bridges washed away due to the cloudburst. Earlier, Public Works Department (PWD) Minister Vikramaditya Singh reported that nearly 80 roads were closed in the state, resulting in a loss of Rs 300 crore to the PWD.
“There are nearly 80 roads closed in the state, and the PWD has suffered a loss of 300 crore rupees due to the recent disaster. In Kullu and Shimla, search and relief operations are ongoing. Bodies are being recovered, and I have personally visited the sites. In Mandi, 8 bodies have been recovered, and 30 people are still missing. Rescue operations by the SDRF, NDRF, and other central and state agencies are continuing to search for the missing people,” Singh added.
Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu has reached out to the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister for financial assistance, but no help has been received from the Union government yet. “We are trying our best to restore normalcy. The Chief Minister has spoken to the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister, but so far, we have not received any financial assistance from the Union government. We hope to receive help soon,” Singh said.
The situation in Himachal Pradesh remains dire as the state grapples with the aftermath of the devastating floods. The government continues to work on restoring essential services and infrastructure, while rescue and relief efforts persist in the worst-hit areas. The state’s administration is under scrutiny as citizens await the much-needed aid and support to rebuild their lives.
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