Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the Income Tax Department has deployed a team of 100 officers and employees in Uttarakhand’s five Lok Sabha constituencies to crack down on black money and unaccounted cash. Election activities are being closely monitored 24/7 from a control room. The Air Intelligence Unit is overseeing airports, while special teams are stationed at railway stations and border checkpoints. Dr. TS Mapwal, Additional Director of the Investigation Branch, has been appointed as the state’s nodal officer for the elections. He mentioned that teams in every district are actively addressing unaccounted cash and are seizing cash legally based on received information.
In another development, the Income Tax Department issued summons to Congress candidate Ganesh Godiyal from Pauri Garhwal Lok Sabha seat, requiring him to appear in person at its Thane office in Maharashtra on March 22. Godiyal, who is contesting against BJP’s Anil Baluni, was served the notice on Tuesday.
The Lok Sabha elections in Uttarakhand are scheduled for April 19, according to the Election Commission of India, and will be conducted in a single phase covering all constituencies. In both the 2014 and 2019 general elections, the BJP emerged victorious in all parliamentary constituencies in the state. Uttarakhand comprises five Lok Sabha constituencies: Almora, Garhwal (Pauri), Haridwar, Nainital-Udham Singh Nagar, and Tehri Garhwal.
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