In a significant update, Indian Railways has announced a reduction in the advance booking period for train tickets, changing it from 120 days to 60 days. This new policy will take effect on November 1, 2024, allowing passengers to book their IRCTC train tickets only 60 days ahead of the train’s scheduled departure.
Following this announcement, shares of the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) experienced a decline, trading down by 2.2% at Rs 867.60 as of 2:20 PM.
The new rules will not apply to certain daytime express trains, such as the Taj Express and Gomti Express, which already have shorter advance reservation periods in place. Additionally, the advance booking limit for foreign tourists, currently set at 365 days, will remain unchanged.
Passengers who have already booked tickets prior to November 1 will not be affected by the new advance booking regulations, ensuring that their existing reservations remain intact.
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