In five riot cases, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted bail to former MCD councillor Tahir Hussain. Hussain has been charged in a number of riot-related charges, including the murder of IB employee Ankit Sharma and the greater plot of the Delhi riots. Because of further cases against him, he will stay in detention. These incidents are connected to the Dayal Pur police station neighbourhood in North East Delhi.
Tahir Hussain was granted bail in five instances by Justice Anish Dayal. On April 20, 2023, the court reserved the orders. Detailed orders are awaited.
He was in a powerful position (serving as a councillor for the area from the Aam Aadmi Party) at the time of the outbreak of communal riots in North-East Delhi. According to police, he used his political clout and strength to act as a kingpin in organising and motivating his community’s rioters to wreck havoc on the members of other Communities.
According to Delhi police, because of his influence in politics and business, he had a key role in igniting the racial unrest. He allowed protesters access to the roof of his four-story home, one of the tallest in the neighbourhood.
According to Delhi police, the co-accused yelled religious slurs at members of different communities from the roof of his home, pelted nearby homes with stones, fired shots, and tossed petrol bombs, among other things.
According to Delhi police, he funded terrorist organisations, amassed rioting equipment, and then utilised locals as part of a scheme to engage in rioting.
According to the report, his home or building served as the rioters and rabble-rousers’ meeting place and focal point for the unrest.
The Delhi Police also cited video evidence from February 25, 2020, which depicts numerous individuals throwing stones and petrol bombs from his home.
If his bail is increased, the Delhi Police further stated that there is a possibility of evidence tampering.
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