Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal mocked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stating that all AAP leaders were jailed, saying, “We made a Prime Minister, not a cop.” He spoke at a rally supporting Sahiram Pahalwan, AAP’s candidate for the South Delhi Lok Sabha seat. Kejriwal warned that if people vote for the lotus symbol, he’ll face jail again; but if they choose the broom, he’ll continue serving among them. He criticized the ongoing targeting of AAP leaders, mentioning recent arrests and alleging political vendetta.
Kejriwal highlighted his governance achievements, promising further progress if AAP wins. He assured that the Modi government won’t return after June 4, anticipating a victory for his party. He pledged to transform Delhi into a full state, emphasizing improvements in electricity, water, and healthcare. Kejriwal accused authorities of neglecting his health needs during his Tihar jail stint, citing a diabetic condition requiring insulin.
Amidst campaigning, AAP faced controversies, including allegations of assault on Swati Maliwal, a party MP, by Kejriwal’s aide. BJP seized upon these incidents, questioning Kejriwal’s silence and accusing AAP of shielding offenders. The political mudslinging intensified as the election date drew closer, with both parties vying for public support and capitalizing on each other’s missteps.
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