Working from home and staying indoors for more than three months have surely changed our routine and made us deprived of the routine physical activity which is essential for our body, especially to build immunity. Since our mobility has been restricted, we could easily slip into unhealthy eating habits during this stay-at-home period.
But, with a little thought and preparation, maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be a chore like earlier. Immunity is the most important line of defense against various disease-causing microbes, as it is programmed to identify and protect us from various types of threats. The immune system sets out to destroy the micro-organisms by triggering a protective chain of reactions and you can certainly keep your health on the forefront with these effective methods which will help you build immunity and keep you in the best of shape- both physically and mentally.
Invest in a healthy diet: While working remotely, it is not wrong to say that our health and nutrition has taken a back seat. It can be pretty easy to slide in the lane of unhealthy snacking while staying at home, and hence investing in a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet has become a pre-requisite. Consuming junk foods can easily put your health at risk by taking you close to various types of health complications whereas, a diet rich in complete nutrients can easily add up to your health and boost your immunity which is quite important during this time. Make sure to include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, plenty of seasonal fruits, a handful of soaked nuts and seeds, and natural herbs and spices in your diet to enhance your total health and well-being.

Indulge in physical activity: It is said that a ‘mindful morning’ can easily enhance your health. We know that getting out of the bed and practicing self-care routine can be tough for some but pushing yourself to indulge in a calming yoga session, 30-45 of moderate-intensity aerobics routine, or a peaceful sitting of meditation, can do wonders to your overall health. A regular fitness regime not only nourishes your mind and body but also makes you high on a positive outlook which is quintessential during this hard and challenging time. What’s more? It decreases the risk of various illnesses as well.
Take charge of your mental health: We cannot deny that this unprecedented pandemic is hampering our mental health and harmony like nothing else. While there is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself occasionally with binge-watching, scrolling social media and endless chatting but some screen-free hours can make you all stressfree and calm. To safeguard your mental health, it is quite important to indulge yourself in the activities that put you in the current moment like home games, sketching, crafting, reading a book, or anything that you like. These activities will help you in relaxing and unwinding your mental harmony.
Develop a routine: A routine helps in prepping you to bring out the best during this time! With your to-do lists and works in hand, you will be able to keep yourself busy and healthy while dodging any unnecessary tensions and worries. Stay active during the day, add in some short burst of activities to manage your energy levels. Make sure to set a sleep-waking up routine along with proper meal-timings to make the best of day.
Keep practicing personal and social hygiene protocols: Paying focus to your personal and social hygiene protocols is one of the great ways to ensure good physical, mental and emotional well-being. Keep washing your hands frequently, don’t touch your face, cough or sneeze in your elbow, use a mask while going out, and maintain a healthy distance from others as you step outside your home. Accurate hygiene and self-care routine are an effective way to keep yourself protected and safe.
The writer is a Clinical Nutritionist and the founder of Nmami Life.