Renowned bhajan singer Kanhiya Mittal is set to join the Congress ahead of the upcoming Haryana Assembly elections. Mittal, known for singing the famous bhajan ‘Jo Ram ko laye they, hum unko layenge’ before the Ram Temple mega event, confirmed his decision through a Facebook LIVE session, though he has not announced an official date of joining the party.
In his address, Mittal clarified that he is not joining Congress because of any denial of a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ticket, as speculated. “Some people are saying I am joining Congress because I did not get a BJP ticket. This is not true. I never asked for a ticket. I could have gotten one had I spoken to a few people. It is not a big deal for me,” Mittal said, adding, “I never asked people to vote for BJP. I said vote for those who work for Ram Mandir.”
Mittal emphasized that his work was always centered on Sanatan Dharma, not any political party. “I was never working for a party, I was working for Sanatan,” he explained. He expressed that every political party should represent Sanatan values.
Congress leader Pramod Tiwari commented on Mittal’s decision, stating, “He is the one who sang the song ‘Jo Ram Ko Laye Hain Hum Unko Layenge’. People who were associated with the BJP are getting disillusioned. If the person who wrote the song on Ram Mandir is leaving the party, then it is time for BJP to do some introspection.”
The Haryana Assembly elections are scheduled for October 5, with the last date for filing nominations set for September 12. The results will be declared on October 8.
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