On Wednesday, the BJP released its first list of 67 candidates for the Haryana Assembly elections, which has caused significant turmoil within the party. Following the announcement, five leaders have resigned one after another. Meanwhile, some leaders, disappointed by not getting a ticket, are holding meetings with their supporters and planning their next move. Former Cabinet Minister Kavita Jain, while addressing her supporters, broke down in tears and issued a warning to the party to change its ticket allocations.
These BJP Leaders Have Resigned:
Meetings Continue After Resignations: After the release of the first BJP list, several major resignations have occurred. Meanwhile, former Cabinet Minister Kavita Jain and former Haryana Chief Minister’s Media Advisor Rajeev Jain, both upset over not receiving tickets, have called meetings with their supporters. During these meetings, slogans were raised against former CM Manohar Lal Khattar and candidate Nikhil Madan. Kavita Jain, in tears, spoke to her supporters and demanded that the party change its ticket allocations. She has called for another meeting with party workers on September 8.
Additionally, the Rania seat has been given to Shishpal Kamboj instead of Ranjeet Singh Chautala. After his ticket was cut, Ranjeet Singh Chautala has also called for a press conference at his residence in Sirsa.
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