Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema said that strict action has been taken against those who have defrauded the government by creating fake IDs through bogus bills in the state. Since the Aam Aadmi Party government came to power in Punjab, efforts to curb tax evasion have been strengthened, and his department is continuously taking strict action against tax evaders. Harpal Cheema stated that during the previous Congress government, tax growth was around 6 percent, but after his government took office, this growth has exceeded 13 percent.
The reason for this is that various reforms have been implemented in the department and strict measures have been taken against tax evasion. Harpal Cheema mentioned that they have uncovered fraudulent bills worth Rs. 336 crore from firms dealing in gold without proper invoices in Amritsar, marking the largest action taken to date. These firms have no information on where the gold came from and to whom it was sold. The registration of these firms has been canceled and a fine of Rs. 20 crore has been imposed to ensure that no one can defraud the state’s treasury in Punjab.
Additionally, fraudulent bills worth Rs. 424 crore have been exposed in Ludhiana. These firms will be required to pay Rs. 25 crore in taxes. Harpal Cheema noted that out of the 303 firms registered under the central government in Punjab, Rs. 4,044 crore worth of fake sales and purchases were shown, and returns were claimed.
Those involved have been arrested. Harpal Cheema emphasized that anyone who creates fake firms to loot the state will not be spared, and 11 such individuals have been arrested from Ludhiana and sent to jail. He added that if any department official is found involved in such cases, strict action will be taken against them.
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