In a tragic incident in Gurgaon, a 37-year-old minibus driver, Deen Dayal from Delhi’s Mangolpuri, was fatally assaulted by four men following a car collision on Saturday evening. The altercation occurred near JMD Metropolis in Sector 48, where Dayal’s minibus reportedly collided with the men’s car. Eyewitnesses claim the assailants brutally attacked Dayal in full view of bystanders, who allegedly did not intervene.
Despite the presence of an emergency response vehicle (ERV), the attackers fled before authorities arrived, leaving Dayal critically injured. He was subsequently transported to Shiva Hospital in gurgaon , where he succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment. Dayal’s family, devastated by the sudden loss, expressed shock and demanded swift justice, urging the police to apprehend the perpetrators.
As of now, no arrests have been made, but police have initiated an investigation, registering a case under IPC sections 302 (murder) and 34 (common intention) against unidentified suspects at Sadar police station. Efforts are underway to identify the assailants through CCTV footage and other leads, as the community mourns the untimely death of a dedicated driver survived by his wife, son, and differently-abled mother.
The body was handed over to the family following a post-mortem examination, with final rites conducted on Sunday evening.
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