The Ahmedabad Crime Branch on Tuesday arrested senior journalist Mahesh Langa in connection with an alleged GST fraud case. During raids conducted at 14 locations across Ahmedabad, Junagadh, Surat, Kheda, and Bhavnagar, officials seized Rs 20 lakh in cash, gold jewellery, and land documents from Langa’s residence.
The raids followed a complaint by the Central GST department, revealing a network of over 200 fake companies involved in fraudulent input tax credits using forged identities and documents. Suspicious transactions were traced to documents in the names of Langa’s wife and father.
The crime branch described the findings as part of a large-scale conspiracy aimed at evading significant government revenue through fake billing and fraudulent documentation. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime), Ajit Rajian, confirmed Langa’s arrest after detailed questioning. Several entities, including Dhruvi Enterprise and Om Construction, have also been named in the FIR.
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