Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed admiration for singer Geeta Rabari’s bhajan ‘Shree Ram Ghar Aaye,’ centered on Lord Ram and Ayodhya. In a post on X in Hindi, PM Modi conveyed, “The wait for the arrival of Ram Lala in the divine grand temple of Lord Shri Ram in Ayodhya is about to end. My family members across the country are eagerly waiting for the Pran-Pratishtha (consecration) ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya. This bhajan of Geetaben Rabari ji to welcome him is very emotional.”
During the 108th episode of his monthly radio broadcast ‘Mann Ki Baat,’ PM Modi highlighted the widespread enthusiasm and excitement across the nation leading up to the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. He noted the surge in creative expressions such as devotional songs and poems related to Lord Ram and Ayodhya, acknowledging the contribution of both experienced and emerging artists.
In anticipation of the Ram Temple inauguration on January 22, preparations are in full swing, drawing dignitaries and people from all walks of life. PM Modi is scheduled to attend the installation of the idol of Ram Lalla at the grand temple. The Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirath Kshetra Trust has invited 4,000 saints from all sects for the ceremony. Vedic rituals for the consecration will commence on January 16, a week before the main ceremony, with the main rituals led by priest Lakshmi Kant Dixit on January 22.
Ayodhya, as the birthplace of Lord Rama, holds significant spiritual, historical, and cultural importance for the people of India. The Trust has planned various events, including the Amrit Mahautsav from January 14 to January 22, and a 1008 Hundi Mahayagya, where thousands of devotees will be fed. Multiple tent cities are being set up in Ayodhya to accommodate the expected influx of devotees for the grand consecration of the Ram Temple.
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