Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the former chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, moved his family to B-8, 74 bungalow near the New Market area on Wednesday, leaving the CM house in Bhopal. Chouhan worshipped Gau Mata in the cowshed and offered prayers at the on-site temple before departing the CM residence. The CM House staff and security personnel said goodbye to the former CM. “The CM House office is where many decisions about public welfare and development projects are made. I’m leaving the house happy and joyful today. The last eighteen years have been a scripted history of progress and public welfare. I’m meeting with old colleagues and leaving with a lot of memories,” Chouhan remarked.
He congratulated CM Mohan Yadav and his team, saying they may take Madhya Pradesh to great heights. “I am congratulating CM Mohan Yadav and his team that they may take Madhya Pradesh to great heights. I gave hugs to those who have worked with me and they loved me a lot. The people of Madhya Pradesh are my family. Mama and Bhaiya are permanent, I will continue to serve the public,” Chouhan added.
Chouhan’s wife, Sadhna Singh Chouhan, said, “No one is emotional; we are happily leaving this bungalow. Many memories are associated with this bungalow.”
“Today I have shifted to this bungalow and will work for public welfare with new energy. My role will be as a party worker, and I will do whatever my duties are as an MLA,” Chouhan said after shifting to the new residence.
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